2012. március 5., hétfő

Politikai ökológia: The European Network for Political Ecology (ENTITLE)

Van egy ilyen PhD ösztöndíj is politikai ökológiából, ezt Stefania Barca osztotta meg. Azért rakom fel, mert ez a téma is nagyon érdekes. A www.environmentalconflicts.com oldalon van egy jó leírás a megközelítésről, egyébként műhelyeket és nyári iskolákat szerveznek. Forrás: itt.

11 PhD Scholarships in Political Ecology

The European Network for Political Ecology (ENTITLE) offers 11 generously-funded three-year PhD scholarships available to candidates from anywhere in the world.


ENTITLE is an EU-funded Initial Training Network under the Marie Curie actions of FP7, coordinated by ICTA at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (icta.uab.es and www.eco2bcn.es) and with the collaboration of 11 research and NGO partners (Grant Agreement: 289374).

ENTITLE will train 17 researchers in the emerging field of Political Ecology, giving them the theoretical, analytical and complementary skills that will make them employable in jobs related to environmental policy analysis and advocacy. Research and training are framed around five key clusters concerned with the analysis of: environmental conflicts; environmental movements; natural disasters; changes in co-production and the commons; and environmental justice and democracy. Research is based on a series of empirically-based investigations of a geographically and thematically diverse set of case-studies. The researchers of the network will collaborate to offer a theoretical and methodological framework for the empirical research and will synthesize the results of the individual cases in a series of publishable outputs. Research will be action and policy-oriented culminating in a series of action and policy briefs targeting civil society organizations and policy-makers.
Researchers selected for the program will be trained through an integrated curriculum of local and intensive network courses on related topics, summer schools with teachers of international calibre, secondments to EJOs (environmental justice organizations) and the public and private sector and training through work. ENTITLE builds on an on-going collaboration in training between the participating institutions, manifested in a series of summer schools (www.environmentalconflicts.com). It brings together some of the world ́s top scholars in political ecology and related approaches, and overcomes the fragmentation of existing political ecological research in Europe, offering a critical mass of research and training. The researchers trained in the network will be employable in academia, public administration and EJOs.

Successful applicants will be given a 3-year contract with the fixed rates set for each country by the Marie Curie program, as well as a mobility allowance and additional funds for research-related costs. All applicants are expected to pursue a PhD in the host institute. As part of the ENTITLE training program the selected researchers will follow a set of local graduate courses and a series of network-wide training courses and summer schools. Researchers are also expected to participate actively in the management of the network and the organization of the training and dissemination activities.

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