Ez az oldal azt a tájékoztató célt szolgálja, hogy bemutasson a magyar közönség számára néhány, a nemzetközi szakirodalomban gyakran hivatkozott (és nagyhatású), rendkívül inspiratív szerzőt, akik kritikai geográfusoknak tartják magukat. Szeretnénk persze elkerülni a részrehajló kanonizálás ártalmait, és ez a "lista" nem jelenti azt, hogy egyedül ők lennének kritikai geográfusok, ezért igyekszünk a későbbiekben minél több szerzőt megemlíteni. Fontos továbbá, hogy a "kritikai" szerzők között jelentős különbségek vannak, amelyekkel itt nem célunk foglalkozni (bármiféle csoportosítás "kompartmentalizáló" és meglehetősen önkényes lenne), mivel az alábbi geográfusokat a "kritikai" elhivatottság iránti érzékenységük fogja össze. Ez az oldal folyamatos feltöltés alatt áll, és a linkekkel való ellátása, magyarra fordítása is még folyamatban van!
David Harvey (born 31 October 1935, Gillingham, Kent, England) is the Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). He received his PhD in Geography from University of Cambridge in 1961. He is among the top 20 most cited authors in the humanities. He is a leading proponent of the idea of The Right to the City.

Neil Smith was born 1954 in Leith, Scotland. he is a Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography, at the Graduate Center department of the City University of New York. From 2008 he holds a twenty percent appointment as Sixth Century Professor of Geography and Social Theory, at the University of Aberdeen, in Scotland, his native land. Dr Smith earned his B.Sc. degree from the University of St. Andrews, and his Ph.D. degree from Johns Hopkins University, where he studied under David Harvey. Formerly, he was the Robert Lincoln McNeil Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, and taught at Columbia and Rutgers universities, where, in this last, he was chair of the geography department (1991–94), and a senior fellow at the Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture.

Claudio Minca holds a concurrent appointment as Professor of Socio Spatial-Analysis and Head of the Socio-Spatial Analysis Chair Group, Wageningen University in The Netherlands.
Prof. Minca has published widely on the relationship between
geographical representations and tourist space and the philosophy and
theory of geography. His current research centres on three major
themes: the spatialisation of (bio)politics; tourism and travel theories
of modernity; and the relationship between modern knowledge, space and
landscape in postcolonial geography. In empirical terms, his most
recent work has been focussed on Trieste, Morocco and the
Mediterranean more broadly.
Luiza Bialasiewicz is an academic, and senior lecturer in Human Geography within the Department of Geography at Royal Holloway. She has held the post since September 2006. From 2000-2006 she was based in the Department of Geography at the University of Durham. Dr. Bialasiewicz obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
She is currently listed by Royal Holloway as being an expert, available
for consultation regarding European identity and European foreign
policy.At Durham, Dr. Bialasiewicz was connected to the International Boundaries Research Unit,
and the 'Politics-State-Space' and 'Social/Spatial Theory' research
clusters. She was also a member of the 'Centre for the Study of Cities
and Regions'. She was actively involved with undergraduate teaching
within the department, contributing towards Urban geography and Political geography modules as well as courses on the history and theory of the discipline, while also leading field courses to Poland and Berlin.Dr.
Bialasiewicz's research interests "lie in political geography and
geopolitics, especially the politics and geopolitics of European
integration, histories of the European idea, and nationalisms and
regionalisms in the new Europe." Most recently she has co-authored Spazio e Politica: Riflessioni di geografia critica with Claudio Minca.
Bernd Belina is a Junior Professor at J.W.Goethe University of
Frankfurt. M. His main fields of interest are social geography with a
special focus on radical geography, space and control, border studies,
production of space research associate at the Leibniz-Institute for
Regional Geography.
Ulrich Best is a DAAD Visiting Professor in Geography at York
University’s Canadian Centre for German and European Studies. His
research focuses on the critical geopolitics of Europe, cross-border
cooperation, Eastern Europe. Currently he is finishing a project on the
critical geopolitics of current Baltic pipeline debates and a second
project on Cold-War youth meetings between the US and the USSR. Recent
publications include: Transgression as a Rule. German-Polish
Cross-border Cooperation, Border Discourse and EU-enlargement (Münster:
Lit, 2007); The Global Economic Crisis and Regional Divides in the
European Union (with Luiza Bialasiewicz, Ülle Marksoo, in: Eurasian
Geography and Economics, 51/1, 2010); The invented periphery:
Constructing Europe in debates about „Anglo hegemony“ in geography (In:
Social Geography 4, 2009, pp. 83-91).
Kirsten Simonsen. "My primary research field is social and cultural geography. Going from
urban studies and urban everyday life over social theories of practice
to the relationship between practice, body and space. Included in that
is a general interest in the development of social ontologies and the
philosophical basis of geography. Keywords are: urban studies, space and
place, theories of practice, body and sex/gender, emotional geography,
cultural diversity. "
Noel Castree (born 1968) is a British geographer and associate professor in the School of Environment and Development at the University of Manchester whose research interests are in capitalism-environment relationships. His "principal interests are in the political economy of environmental change, regulation and contestation. He has sought to develop and apply Marxian approaches to understanding a range of environmental problems, with an emphasis on understanding the meaning and limits of 'commodification'." In 2005, Castree received the Gill Memorial Award from the Royal Geographical Society. One of his main contributions to critical geography relates to the concept of Social nature.
Erik Swyngedouw is Professor of Geography at the University of Manchester in its School of Environment and Development. Swyngedouw is committed to political economic analysis of contemporary capitalism, producing several major works on economic globalisation, regional development, finance, and urbanisation. Latterly his interests have turned to political-ecological themes and the transformation of nature, notably water issues, in Ecuador, Spain, the UK, and elsewhere in Europe. Born in Belgium and fluent in Dutch, English, French, and Spanish, he
studied at Leuven, then completed a PhD entitled "The production of new
spaces of production" under the supervision of the renowned Marxist
geographer David Harvey at Johns Hopkins University (1991). From 1988 until 2006 he taught at the University of Oxford, latterly as Professor of Geography, and was a Fellow of St. Peter's College. He moved to the University of Manchester in 2006.
Jonathan Cloke
Stuart Elden
Trevor Barnes
Professor Richard Peet has a BSc (Economics) from the London School of
Economics, an MA from the University of British Columbia, and a Ph D
from the University of California, Berkeley. His areas of interest
include: social and economic geography, political ecology, liberation
ecology, development theory, geography of consciousness and
rationality, philosophy and social theory, iconography, semiotics, and
critical policy studies.
Wendy Larner is Professor of Human Geography and Sociology, and Research
Director for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law. Her research
programme is situated in the interdisciplinary fields of globalisation,
governance and gender, and links insights from critical social theory
with a strong commitment to empirical research. Her aim is to challenge
conventional understandings of globalisation as an inevitable ‘new
reality’ by showing that it is a contested and contradictory process in
the making. Relatedly, she has a long standing research interest in
theorising neo-liberalism and ‘post-welfarist’ governance.

Jonathan Cloke
Stuart Elden
Trevor Barnes
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