Egy érdekes kutatói állásról értesültem, Sybille Lames küldte szét az Utrechti Egyetemről. A digitális térképezésről szól, hogy milyen tereket teremtenek a különböző térképkezelő felületek, és a felhasználók hogyan befolyásolják interaktív módon maguknak a digitális térképeknek a kinézetét és használatát, tehát a felhasználó és a technika kapcsolatának a vizsgálata van terítéken. Süvít belőle a technoscience! :) Érdemes megnézni a kutatói oldalukat is!
2 PhD Researchers
ERC Project “Charting the Digital”
of Humanities, Utrecht University
Salary starts at € 2,042.- and increases to € 2,612.- gross per month in the fourth year of the appointment
Respond before 01-04-2012
Salary starts at € 2,042.- and increases to € 2,612.- gross per month in the fourth year of the appointment
Respond before 01-04-2012
Job description
Two PhD positions are now available as part of the ERC
funded project ”Charting the Digital: Digital Mapping Practices as New Media Cultures.”
key objective of this research programme is to investigate to what
extent and how digital
maps can be considered as new techno-cultural phenomena that have
altered our way of being in and moving through our spatial environments.
Digital maps allow a greater degree of interaction between users and
mapping interfaces than analogue maps do. Instead
of just reading maps, users have far more influence on how maps look.
Whether a navigation device that adjusts its route-display according to
where the driver chooses to go, or a map in a computer-game that is
partly created by players, maps have become more
interactive and are now co-produced by their users.
project works from the notion that digital mapping always takes place
via interfaces.
As the term already indicates, interfaces facilitate interaction
between map and user. However, this study will not view interfaces as
empty vessels that let this interaction ‘come to pass’ but as material
signs that are inscribed with socio-spatial ‘programs
of action’ (Latour 1999,1993).
main task of the students will be to contribute to a critical inventory
of the corpus of
digital mapping practices that exist, by analysing and comparing them
through this theoretical lens. The candidates will focus on how
interfaces as technological artefacts act as such mediators - creating
and prescribing links between users and spaces - and
how they compare in this respect. The aim is to look for similarities
and differences between various kinds of digital mapping interfaces in
terms of what spaces they produce and connect.
their dissertation both students will concentrate on one kind of
mapping interface, that
will be analysed and compared in more detail, as representing an
important point in the overall spectrum of digital mapping interfaces.
It will be essential that the students are able to situate this case in
this broader spectrum, which requires a firm theoretical
and interdisciplinary understanding of the role that digital media play
in daily life.
with a strong background in New Media Studies, Science and Technologies
Studies (STS) or Human Geography who are interested in crossing
disciplinary boundaries are encouraged to apply. The positions
will be
available to applicants
on a competitive basis and who, in their research proposal, can clearly
demonstrate the academic excellence that is relevant to the project.
Please send with your application a letter of motivation, a curriculum
vitae, your research proposal (in English and not exceeding 1000 words)
and the contact details of at least two references.
Additional information
more information and to apply, visit informationfor/jobseekers/ Pages/vacancies.aspx
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