2013. január 3., csütörtök

A Nyugaton túli urbanizáció: posztszocialista városkutatási konferencia

Lesz egy városkutatási konferencia a kelet-(közép-)európai térségről és a posztszocialista város kérdéséről.

Dear colleagues,

We invite abstracts for our stream at the RC21 conference ‘Resourceful Cities’ to be held in Berlin, 29-31 August 2013:

Urbanism beyond the West: Comparing Accelerated Urban Change in Eastern Europe and the Global South

Convenors: Monika Grubbauer (Darmstadt University of Technology) and Joanna Kusiak (University of Warsaw)

In the search for new models of urbanism, attention is now being shifted towards nonWestern cities. Yet the urban dynamics of postsocialist Eastern Europe are largely disregarded in the recent literature on global urbanism with its focus on the NorthSouth axis. Although the cities of Eastern Europe and the Global South have been theorized as radically different, the former being described as “underurbanized” and the latter as “overurbanized”, we propose to include Eastern Europe in what Ananya Roy calls “new geographies of theory”. In cities of both regions the intense sociomaterial transformations of recent years have been highly uneven, normatively guided by foreign aid programs and neoliberal policy agendas. In both cases we can also observe new forms of “insurgent” or “messy” urbanism emerging in reaction to new inequalities and arbitrary politics. Despite substantial (i.e. infrastructural) differences, we claim that comparing cities of Eastern Europe and the Global South may both reopen the regionally biased debate on the “postsocialist city” and contribute to the broader discussion on global and comparative urbanism. This session invites contributions comparing major phenomena of urban change in both regions as well as papers theorizing the postsocialist city in global terms. Following the question of how patterns emerging from accelerated urban change can be treated as resources for new models of urbanism, we suggest the following topics:
  • new inequalities and new solidarities
  • accelerated sociomaterial change as a challenge for sustainable urban policy
  • reshaping relations of property and new property forms
  • changing urban form and infrastructures of daily life
  • foreign policy aid and its discontents
  • urban informality and marginality
  • ethnographies of urban society between neoliberal dreams and dystopian reality
  • the notion of “chaos” and its use in the global urbanism debate
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 January 2013. Please send your abstracts (300-500 words) to abstracts[at]rc21[dot]org and the session organizers Monika Grubbauer (grubbauer[at]stadtforschung[dot]tu-darmstadt[dot]de) and Joanna Kusiak (jkkusiak[at]gmail[dot]com).

Please contact us for any questions. More information on the conference and the submission of abstracts can be found on www.rc21.org/conferences/berlin2013.

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