2012. március 8., csütörtök

Posztkolonialista bibliográfia

Találtam egy rövid bibliográfiát olyan írásokról, amelyek koloniális kontextusokban kivitelezett, nagyméretű infrastrukturális tervezési és fejlesztési projektekről szólnak (pl. közúti, autópálya és vasúti hálózatok, illetve villanyáram- és vízvezeték-hálózatok). A szakirodalom leginkább olyan történelmi léptékű vizsgálatokat tartalmaznak, amelyek kolonialista technokraták és szellemi atyák nagyszabású vízióit és terveit tárgyalják, és azt, hogy az infrastruktúra-hálózatok fejlesztését hogyan használták fel a helybéli lakosság kisemmizésére.

Brody, D. E. (2001): Building empire: Architecture and American imperialism in the Philippines. Journal of Asian American Studies.

Cardinall, A. W. (1931): The Gold Coast. Accra (Government Printer).

Coleman, Leo Charles (2008): Delhi in the electrical age: Technologies of rule and rites of power in India's capital, 1903–2006. Ph.D. Thesis.

Crinson, M. (2003): Modern Architecture and the End of Empire. Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Debrie, Jean (2010): From colonization to national territories in continental West Africa: the historical geography of a transport infrastructure network. Journal of Transport Geography, 18, 292–300.

Derman, B.; Hellum, B. (2002): Neither tragedy nor enclosure: Are there inherent human rights in water management in Zimbabwe communal lands? European Journal of Development Research, 14 (2), 31–50.

Dickson, K. B. (1965): Evolution of Seaports in Ghana: 1800–1928. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 55 (1) S., 98–111.

Freed, Libbie (2010): Networks of (colonial) power: roads in French Central Africa after World War I. History and Technology.

Henry T A, (2005): Sanitizing empire: Japanese articulations of Korean otherness and the construction of early colonial Seoul, 1905–1919. The Journal of Asian Studies, 64, 639–675.

Herbert, E. (2002): Twilight on the Zambezi: Late colonialism in central Africa. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Hilling, David (1969): The Evolution of the Major Ports of West Africa. The Geographical Journal, 135 (3), 365–378.

Hilling, David (1996): Transport and developing countries. London, New York: Routledge.

Hilling, David (1966): Tema – The Geography of a new Port. Geography 51 (2), S. 111–125.

Hines, T. S. (1972): The imperial façade: Daniel H. Burnham and American architectural planning in the Philippines. Pacific Historical Review.

Hoyle, B. S. (1978): African Politics and Port Expansion at Dar es Salaam. Geographical Review, 68 (1) S., 31–50.

Legg, Stephen (2007): Spaces of Colonialism: Delhi's Urban Governmentalities. Blackwell.

Meredith, D. (1975): The British government and colonial economic policy, 1919–1939. The Economic History Review, 28 (3), 484–499.

Moxham, Roy (2001): Great Hedge Of India: The Search For The Living Barrier That Divided A People. Basic Books.

Myers, G. (2006): The unauthorized city: Late colonial Lusaka and postcolonial geography. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 27, 289–308.

Njoh, A. (2002): Development implications of colonial land and human settlement schemes in Cameroon. Habitat International, 26 (3), 399–415.

Ogundana, Babafemi (1974): Seaport Development – Multi-National Co-Operation in West Africa. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 12(3), 395–407.

Patrick Joyce (2003): The Rule of Freedom: liberalism and the modern city. Verso.

Padfield, R. (2011): Neoliberalism and the polarising water geographies of the Zambian Copperbelt. Waterlines, 30 (2), 150–164.

Pedersen, Poul Ove (2001): The Freight Transport and Logistical System of Ghana. Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen (CDR Working Paper, 01.2).

Sardanis, A. (2003): Africa: Another side of the coin. London: I.B.Tauris.

Swyngedouw, Erik (2007): TechnoNatural Revolutions - the Scalar Politics of Franco's Hydro-Social Dream for Spain 1939–1975. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
Weizman, Eyal (2007): Hollow land: Israel's architecture of occupation. Verso.

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