2012. március 14., szerda

Cosmobilities Conference 2012: Governing mobilities


Lausanne, October 31st – November 1st, 2012

Aspirations of seamless and universal mobilities are a hallmark of social and economic life at the beginning of the 21st century. As systems of governance relying upon particular forms of governmentality developed in western societies to more effectively and productively propagate and sustain the emerging capitalist system and manage its socioeconomic disjunctures, mobility has become a matter of special concern. A set of interlocking rationales, apparatus, institutions, roles and procedures of governance have come to sustain powerful `mobility regimes` justifying, stabilizing, naturalizing, controlling and disciplining particular forms of mobilities characterizing contemporary social, economic and political life in the north Atlantic rim.

This conference focuses on the question of which systems of governance are involved in these processes and how they are evolving as a result of these trends at a time when the future looks less and less like the past. In contrast to mainstream scientific literature and studies on transport and mobility dominated by works on travel and commuting, in this conference we propose to examine the governance of individual and collective actors’ mobility projects. In modern societies, where discourses lauding spatial and social mobility seem prevalent, this conference aims to understand critically how public policies consider the coexistence of different types of mobility projects, and inequalities linked to this diversity.

The conference is co-organized with the MSFS’ (Mobilités spatiales, fluidités sociales) francophone conference. Joint session(s) will take place October 31st. The call for papers for the MSFS conference will soon be available at http://lasur.epfl.ch/

Please read the full call for paper attached. Abstracts of no more than 350 words should be submitted electronically to Dr Hanja Maksim (hanja.maksim[at]epfl[dot]ch) and Dr Emmanuel Ravalet (emmanuel.ravalet[at]epfl[dot]ch) by April 5th.

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