2013. március 31., vasárnap

Territorialities, Spaces, Geographies új tematikus szám elérhető

Az International Political Sociology folyóirat szabadon elérhetővé tette új tematikus számát Territorialities, Spaces, Geographies címmel, a szerzők között szerepel Nisha Shah, John Agnew, Neil Brenner, Stuart Elden és Nick Vaughan-Williams:

This special issue presents a selection of work at the interstices between international relations and geography. It is an invitation for intensifying debates in International Political Sociology on transformations of space and scales, the use of geographical methods and concepts, and the nature and limits of geographical thought in international and global relations.

‘The international is a spatial category and has been invested by variable geographies. The world of the international is flat; a two-dimensional world of relations between sovereign states claiming exclusive power over their territory and people. The international also persistently and often violently draws lines between itself and its outside: worlds of colonies, the uncivilised, transnational networks, and others. Recently, topographic categories are increasingly challenged by topological modes of enacting spatial relations and by analyses foregrounding the importance of temporal practices and narratives.

This special issue samples an international political sociology that deploys and critically engages territorial, spatial, geographical modes of thinking and politics. What are the limits and transformations of spatial practices in contemporary politics? How are territorialities, borders, and lines invested in methods of governing and conceptions of order? What is the impact of foregrounding temporality and mobility on spatial categorizing of the international? How are geopolitics and territoriality produced?

Table of contents
Henri Lefebvre on State, Space, Territory
Neil Brenner and Stuart Elden
Borders, Territory, Law
Nick Vaughan-Williams
Think Locally, Act Globally
Terrence Lyons and Peter Mandaville

2013. március 30., szombat

Áll a sor - Standing in queue

Több száz ember állt ma sorba ételért a Blaha Lujza téren az Ételt az Életért alapítvány húsvéti ételosztása alkalmából
Hundreds of people stood in queue for food today at Blaha Lujza square (Budapest) on the Food for Life (Étel az Életért) foundation's Easter food distribution