2012. április 19., csütörtök

Radikális/kritikai oktatás blogok

Ami az oktatást illeti, van egy rakás (leginkább amerikai) blog, amelyet alapvetően tanárok vezetnek, és tanárokról meg az oktatás problémáiról, oktatáspolitikai kérdésekről szólnak. Ám nem is akárhogyan, hiszen kifejezetten kritikai, radikális szemléletben, azaz a cselekvés, az aktivizmus és a hatalmi viszonyok kérdései kerülnek előtérbe. Milyen lehetőségei vannak a kritikai pedagógiának, a radikális oktatásnak? Megvalósítható-e a posztmodern "demokratikus" oktatás? Hogyan erősítsük a politikai érzékenységet és a társadalmi részvételt a diákokban?

Kérdések arról a problémáról, hogy a tankönyvek politikai ideológiákat tartalmaznak, hiszen az oktatást alapvetően az állam felügyeli, tehát az állami/nemzeti szinthez kötődő érdekek szerint vannak megírva. Ez ahhoz a kérdéshez vezet el, ami - bár már többször felmerült az idők során - elsősorban a posztmodern történelemszemlélet révén került előtérbe, hogy a "grandnarratívák" univerzalizáló elbeszélései mennyiben fedik el mások (a "Másik") történeteit és (saját) megélt tapasztalatait, azaz történelmi valóságát. Ahogyan a TeachersAsAgents blog szerzője is írja, az oktatás több tankönyvben kifejezetten "egyoldalú", vagy éppen "rasszista":

"Education is inherently political, and by extension, teaching as well.  The very curriculum we use, the standards that guide our planning, the textbooks assigned by the district, present a political agenda.  One could make the argument that no knowledge is objective, which I believe as well, but one has merely to flip through the pages of a McGraw Hill or Pearson US History textbook to see that there is a blatant political slant–one that presents a one-sided, white-washed view of history, intended to build nationalistic sentiment (the very reason US History began being taught in our schools in the first place).  An even uglier agenda of this content, some might argue, is to gloss over the brutal, but unescapable, reality of our violent and inhumane beginnings as a nation, the long-term genocide of Native Americans, and the imperialistic moves of the last few hundred years (disguised under euphemisms like “Manifest Destiny”).  Still uglier are the events that were glaringly absent from my textbooks, like the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II and the even more recent forced sterilization of Native American women.  One can only conclude (since what is found between the covers of these books has been judged to be what is appropriate for the learning of our children) that these events are issues that the powers that be would rather our children not engage with."

A Teache(R)evolution blogon pl. van egy tök jó órai anyag/terv arra vonatkozóan, hogyan beszéljenek a KONY-ügyről, az azt popularizáló média kritikai vizsgálatán keresztül.

Böngészgessétek őket!

Marx és a "kapitalizmus" kritikája

Találtam ezt a nagyon érdekes cikket John Lanchester-től (aki egy író) a TEK Review-t böngészve. Ahogyan ők is kiemelik a szövegből:

"Marx doesn’t use the word ‘capitalism’. The term never occurs in the finished first part of Das Kapital. (I checked this by doing a word search and found it three times, every time an apparent mistranslation or loose use of the German plural Kapitals – in German he never talks of Kapitalismus.) Since he is widely, and accurately, seen as capitalism’s greatest critic, this is quite an omission. The terms he preferred were ‘political economy’ and ‘bourgeois political economy’, which he saw as encompassing everything from property rights to our contemporary idea of human rights to the very conception of the independent autonomous individual. I think he didn’t use the word ‘capitalism’ because that would have implied that capitalism was one of a number of competing possible systems – and Marx didn’t believe that. He didn’t think it was possible to move past capitalism without a fundamental overturning of the existing social, political and philosophical order."

Vagy eleve, amivel az egész szöveg indul:
"In trying to think what Marx would have made of the world today, we have to begin by stressing that he was not an empiricist. He didn’t think that you could gain access to the truth by gleaning bits of data from experience, ‘data points’ as scientists call them, and then assembling a picture of reality from the fragments you’ve accumulated."

Lanchester beszél erről egy előadásában is, amit itt (a szövegénél) meg lehet hallgatni. Ebben többek között pl. az empirizmus kérdéséről, így a modellezés problémáiról is beszél, kifejezetten a közgazdaságtanban.


...Marx lest reklamál. :)

Non-liberal Answers to Authoritarian Capitalism: Perspectives from Belgrade and Madrid

Lesz egy ilyen jó kis városkutatós esemény a Frisco-ban, TEK-esekkel:

Non-liberal Answers to Authoritarian Capitalism: Perspectives from Belgrade and Madrid

Natalia Buier (CEU) and Frederick Schulze (CEU) discuss their ongoing PhD work in Madrid and Belgrade respectively; they focus on efforts to battle capitalism that take routes other than those offered by the liberal democratic or reactionary nationalist traditions. This discussion will be largely centered around the tactics of the CNT in Madrid and the Coordinating Committee for Worker's Organization in Serbia based in Zrenjanin and Belgrade. The goal of this discussion is to foster a critical appraisal of the potential for such actions in other socio-political systems, including, hopefully, Hungary.

Gyertek el!

The Subversive Forum: 'The Future of Europe'

ZAGREB, CROATIA, MAY 13-19, 2012

Under the umbrella of Subversive Forum a number of events will take place in May 2012 in the Croatian capital, including an international conference dedicated to the main theme The Future of Europe, numerous debates The Crisis of Europe (May 14-15), The Struggle for the Commons (May 16) and Towards the Balkan Social Forum (May 17-18), the Subversive book fair and, during the introductory week (May 5-12), the 5th Subversive Film Festival.

It is no news that the European Union is facing its biggest crisis since it was created. It is at the same time an economic, financial, social and ideological crisis of this project. Across the continent, instead of solidarity we are witnessing a resurgence of national selfishness, the rise of extreme right, intolerance, and racism. The Mediterranean countries who have been hit the hardest by the crisis show us also a possible response to it: the appearance of strong social movements demanding social justice, a different economic model, and direct democracy. Almost everywhere we see the youth on the streets, in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Romania, but also in the future EU member Croatia.

Through a critical examination of Europe's current crisis, the Subversive Forum will try to outline realistic possibilities for its transformation and the creation of another political, social and economic project across the Old Continent. The keynote speakers include Stéphane Hessel, Michael Hardt, Tariq Ali, Gayatri Spivak, Slavoj Zizek, Saskia Sassen, Christian Marazzi, Samir Amin, Bernard Cassen, Ignatio Ramonet, Eric Touissant, Costas Douzinas, Renata Salecl, and more than 100 participants from 20 different European, African and Asian countries. For one week in May, Zagreb, the town placed almost exactly on the EU's shifting border, will become both a center of the world's critical thought and a laboratory of possible political, social and economic alternatives.

The Subversive Forum is endorsed by the World Social Forum.

2012. április 14., szombat

Virtuális tér kvalitatív módon: "online ethnography" bibliográfia

Leesett a teherautóról egy jó kis bibliográfia az "online etnográfia" vizsgálati területeiről. Jó kis lehetőség a virtuális tér/hálózat kutatására kvalitatív módszerekkel. Van egy másik is Sam Kinsley oldalán, ami részben átfedésben van ezzel, ehhez viszont az Endnote formátumába szedve is szerepelnek a források.

Bakardjieva M, 2009, "Subactivism: Lifeworld and Politics in the Age of the Internet", The Information Society, 25(2), 91-104.

Bakardjieva M, Feenberg A, 2000, "Involving the Virtual Subject", Ethics and Information Technology, 2(4), 233-240.

Beaulieu A, 2004, "Mediating Ethnography: Objectivity and the Making of Ethnography of the Internet, " Social Epistemology, 18(2), 139 - 163.

Beneito-Montagut R, 2011, "Ethnography goes online: towards a user-centred methodology to research interpersonal communication on the internet", Qualitative Research, 11(6), 716-735.

Blanchette J-F, 2011, "A Material History of Bits", Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(6), 1042–1057.

Calhoun C, 1998, "Community without Propinquity Revisited: Communications Technology and the Transformation of the Urban Public Sphere", Sociological Inquiry, 68(3), 373 - 397.

Cammaerts B, 2008, "Critiques on the participatory potentials of Web 2.0", Communication, culture & critique, 1(4), 358-377.

Chmiel A, Sienkiewicz J, Thelwall M, Paltoglou G, Buckley K, Kappas A, Hołyst J A, 2011, "Collective Emotions Online and Their Influence on Community Life", PLoS ONE, 6(7), e22207.

Comaroff J, Comaroff J, 2003, "Ethnography on an Awkward Scale", Ethnography, 4(2), 147-179.

Crang M, 2002, "Between places: Producing hubs, flows, and networks", Environment and Planning A, 34(4), 569-574.

Crang M, Crosbie T, Graham S, 2007, "Technology, time-space, and the remediation of neighbourhood life", Environment and Planning A, 39, 2405-2422.

Curry M R, 1997, "The digital individual and the private realm", Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 87(4), 681-699.

Dholakia N, Zhang D, 2004, Online Qualitative Research in the Age of E-Commerce: Data Sources and Approaches.

Dodge M, Kitchin R, 2009, "Software, objects, and home space", Environment and Planning A, 41(6), 1344-1365.

Driskell R B, Lyon L, 2002, "Are Virtual Communities True Communities? Examining the Environments and Elements of Community", City & Community, 1(4), 373-390.

Dyck I, 2005, "Feminist geography, the ‘everyday’, and local–global relations: hidden spaces of place-making*", Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien, 49(3), 233-243.

Eichhorn K, 2001, "Sites unseen: Ethnographic research in a textual community", International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 14(4), 565-578.

Erickson I, 2010, "Geography and Community: New Forms of Interaction Among People and Places", American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8), 1194-1207.

Fielding, N Lee, R and Blank, G (Eds.) 2008 Handbook of Online Research Methods. Sage.

Galloway A, 2004, "Intimations of Everyday Life: Ubiquitous computing and the city", Cultural Studies, 18(2/3), 384-408.

Gauntlett D, 2011, Making is Connecting, (Cambridge, Polity).

Graham S, 1998, "The end of geography or the explosion of place? Conceptualising space, place and information technology", Progress in Human Geography, 22(2), 165-185.

Hampton K N, 2010, "Internet Use and the Concentration of Disadvantage: Glocalization and the Urban Underclass", American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8), 1111-1132.

Hayles N K, 2009, "RFID: Human agency and meaning in information-intensive environments", Theory, Culture & Society, 26(2-3), 47-72.

Haythornthwaite C, Kendall L, 2010, "Internet and Community", American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8), 1083-1094.

Hine, C 2008 'Systematics as Cyberscience: Computers, Change, and Continuity in Science' Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hine, C (Ed.) 2005 Virtual Methods: Issues of social research on the Internet, Oxford & New York, NY: Berg

Hine, C 2002 Cyberscience: and social boundaries: the implications of laboratory talk on the Internet. Sociological Research Online. 7(2)

Holloway, SL & Valentine, G 2002 “Exploring children's identities and social networks in on-line and off-line worlds” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 92 (2): pp. 302-319

Holloway, SL & Valentine, G 2001“Children at home in the wired world: Reshaping and rethinking home in urban geography”, Urban Geography 22 (6): pp. 562-583

Holloway, SL & Valentine, G 2001 “Placing cyberspace: processes of Americanization in British children's use of the Internet”, Area 33 (2): pp. 153-160

Jankowski, N. W & van Selm, M 2005 “Epilogue: Methodological concerns and innovations in Internet research” in Hine C (Ed.) Virtual Methods: Issues of social research on the Internet, Oxford & New York, NY: Berg

Hine, C. (2000), Virtual Ethnography, Sage, London

Johnson C M, 2001, "A survey of current research on online communities of practice", The Internet and Higher Education, 4(1), 45-60.

Jones O, Williams M, Fleuriot C, 2003, "'A New Sense of Place?' Mobile 'wearable' information communications technology devices and the geographies of urban childhood", Children's Geographies, 1(2), 165-180.

Kavanaugh A, Carroll J M, Rosson M B, Zin T T, Reese D D, 2005, "Community Networks: Where Offline Communities Meet Online", Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(4), 00-00.

Kindberg T, Barton J, Morgan J, Becker G, Caswell D, Debaty P, Gopal G, Frid M, Krishnan V, Morris H, Schettino J, Serra B, Spasojevic M, 2000, People, places, things: Web presence for the real world. Proceedings of the Third IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA'00). IEEE Computer Society).

Kitchin R, Dodge M, 2011, Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life, (Cambridge, MA, MIT Press).

Kozinets, R. V. (2010), Netnography: Doing Ethnographic Research Online, Sage, London.

Langer, R. and. Beckman S. C. (2005), “Sensitive research topics: Netnography revisited”, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 189-203

Leander, K. M. and McKim, K. K. (2003), Tracing the everyday ‘sitings’ of adolescents on the internet: A strategic adaptation of ethnography across online and offline spaces”, Education, Communication and Information, 3(2), 211-240.

Lev-On A, 2010, "Engaging the Disengaged: Collective Action, Media Uses, and Sense of (Virtual) Community by Evacuees From Gush Katif", American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8), 1208-1227.

Ling R, Stald G, 2010, "Mobile Communities: Are We Talking About a Village, a Clan, or a Small Group?", American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8), 1133-1147.

Lugosi, P., Janta, H., Watson, P. (2012), “Investigative management and consumer research on the internet”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24(6) In press (See

Lyon D, 2003, Surveillance as social sorting: Computer codes and mobile bodies. In: Lyon D. (ed.) Surveillance as social sorting: Privacy, risk and digital discrimination. (London: Routledge).

Madge, C., (2007) Developing a Geographer’s Agenda for Online Research Ethics, Progress in Human Geography, volume 31 (5), 654 – 674.

Markham, A. N. and Baym, N. K. (2009) (Eds), Internet Inquiry: Conversations about Method, Sage, London.

Matei S, Ball-Rokeach S J, 2001, "Real and Virtual Social Ties", American Behavioral Scientist, 45(3), 550-564.

Mesch G S, Talmud I, 2010, "Internet Connectivity, Community Participation, and Place Attachment: A Longitudinal Study", American Behavioral Scientist, 53(8), 1095-1110.

Mitchell W J, 2003, Me++ The cyborg self and the networked city, (Cambridge, MA, MIT Press).

Murthy, D. (2008), “Digital ethnography: An examination of the use of new technologies for social research”, Sociology, 42(5), 837-855.

Mori J, Howard S, Gibbs M, 2011, "Poets and blacksmiths: implications for global memorialization using digital technology", interactions, 18(5), 48-54.

Oulasvirta A, Lehtonen E, Kurvinen E, Raento M, 2010, "Making the ordinary visible in microblogs", Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 14(3), 237-249.

Paccagnella L, 1997, "Getting the Seats of Your Pants Dirty: Strategies for Ethnographic Research on Virtual Communities", Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 3(1), 0-0.

Papacharissi Z, 2009, "The virtual geographies of social networks: a comparative analysis of Facebook, LinkedIn and ASmallWorld", New Media Society, 11(1&2), 199 - 120.

Preece J, 2001, "Sociability and usability in online communities: Determining and measuring success", Behaviour & Information Technology, 20(5), 347-356.

Preece J, Maloney-Krichmar D, 2005, "Online Communities: Design, Theory, and Practice", Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(4), 00-00.

Pritchard, W 1999 “Local and global in cyberspace: the geographical narratives of US food companies on the Internet”, Area 31 (1) 9-17.

Quayle M, van der Lieck T C D, 1997, "Growing community: A case for hybrid landscapes", Landscape and Urban Planning, 39(2-3), 99-107.

Reid, E, 1996 “Informed consent in the study of on-line communities: A reflection on the effects of computer-mediated social research”, The Information Society 12 (2), 169-174.

Rheingold H, 2002, Smart Mobs: The next social revolution, (Cambridge, MA, Perseus).

Robins K, 1995, Cyberspace and the world we live in. In: Featherstone M., Burrows R. (eds.) Cyberspace, cyberbodies, cyberpunk: cultures of technological embodiment. (London: Sage).

Taylor T L, 1999, "Life in Virtual Worlds", American Behavioral Scientist, 43(3), 436-449.

Thacker E, 2001, Hard code: narrating the network society, (Boulder, CA, Alt-X).

Thomas D, 2005, "Hacking the body: code, performance and corporeality", New Media and Society, 7(5), 647-662.

Torrens P M, 2008, "Wi-Fi Geographies", Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 98(1), 59-84.

Torrey C, Churchill E F, McDonald D W, 2009, Learning How: The Search for Craft Knowledge on the Internet. CHI 2009. (Boston, MA, USA.).

Turkle S, 1995, Life on the screen : identity in the age of the Internet, (New York ; London, Simon & Schuster).

Valentine G, Holloway S L, 2002, "Cyberkids? Exploring Children's Identities and Social Networks in On-Line and Off-Line Worlds", Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 92(2), 302-319.

von Busch O, 2010, "Exploring net political craft: From collective to connective", Craft Research, 1(1), 113-124.

Wellman B, 2001, "Physical place and Cyberplace: The rise of personalised networking", International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 25(227-252).

Wellman B, Haythornthwaite C A (eds.) 2002, The internet in everyday life, (Chichester, UK: Wiley).

Zook M, Graham M, 2007, "The Creative Reconstruction of the Internet: Google and the Privatization of Cyberspace and DigiPlace", Geoforum, 38(6), 1322-1343.


2012. április 6., péntek

Szegénység és periferizálódás: a megalázás eszköze

Van ez a jó kis cikk a szegénység diskurzusáról, ha lehet ezt ilyen szépen megfogalmazni. :) Milyen szerepe van a hivatalos és a társadalmi regulázásnak és fenyegetésnek a társadalmi csoportok periférián tartásában?

"Az elgondolás mögött egyértelműen az a meggyőződés áll, miszerint a szegénységben élők másra (értsd: nem gyerekeikre és alapvető szükségleteikre) költik a közösségi juttatásokat. Ebben ráadásul mintha valamiféle közmegegyezés, ha úgy tetszik közös meggyőződés is körvonalazódni látszik, miszerint a szegények, elesettek hazug csalók, akik valójában jómódban élnek, élősködnek a közösség nyakán."

"Amikor emberek megalázása hivatalos programmá válik, onnantól nem beszélhetünk többé szociálpolitikáról."

INURA konferencia Talinnban: városi aktivizmus

Lesz egy INURA konferencia 2012 június 17-24. között (17-20. a tulajdonképpeni konferencia, 21-24. a lazább programidőszak) Talinnban, 2012 május 1-ig lehet rá regisztrálni. A téma az "aktív urbanizmus", azaz az aktivizmus lehetőségeiről lesz szó a városi térben, és lehetőséget nyújt az aktivisták és kutatók közötti párbeszédnek, illetve a kutatók politikai részvételének kérdései is előkerülnek majd.

Az INURA (International Network for Urban Research and Action) egy olyan hálózat, amely többek között környezetvédő csoportok, egyetemek és helyi adminisztratív szervek kutatóiból és aktivistáiból áll. A vizsgált témák közé tartoznak a városi megújulási projektek, a városi periféria kérdése, a közösségvezérelt környezetvédő tervezetek, a városi forgalom és közlekedés, a belvárosi munkaerőpiac, a "csináld-magad" (do-it-yourself) kultúra és a szociális lakásellátás problémája. Korábban 2009-ben Isztambulban, 2010-ben Zürichben, 2011-ben pedig Mexikóvárosban rendeztek konferenciát.

Részvételi díjak:
Konferencia és pihenőidőszak (jún. 17-24.) Csak konferencia (jún. 17-20.) Napi belépő
Intézményi 550€
Normál 400€
Intézményi 350€
Normál 240€
Napi 50€

Az INURA különböző kiadványait is érdemes megnézni, tele vannak szuper tanulmányokkal:

INURA (eds.): The Contested Metropolis. Six Cities at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 
2004. 304 pages with 400 b/w illustrations.  23.5 x 28.0 cm. Softcover. ISBN 3-7643-0086-8 English

INURA (eds.): Possible Urban Worlds. Urban Strategies at the End of the 20th Century, Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel/Boston/Berlin. 1999 corrected reprint Illustrated,  23,5x28cm, 268 pages. ISBN: 3-7643-5986-2

H.R. Hitz, R. Keil, U. Lehrer,  K. Ronneberger, Ch. Schmid,  R. Wolff (Hrsg.): Urbanisierung und Politik in den Finanzmetropolen Frankfurt und Zürich. Ein INURA Buch. Rotpunkt Verlag Zürich 1995 400 S., Schwarzw. Fotos Deutsch / German ISBN 3-85869-093-7